Chanel and Indians

Dec 28, 2010

 Asos T-shirt
Vintage Chanel Purse
Mango Jeans
Bata Shoes

The Pink House

Dec 22, 2010

 We went to several second-hand stores in Santa Fe but this one was the only one worth it. They sell anything from furniture and decor to clothes and accessories. We spend there about an hour and half and if it wasn't so terribly inconvenient i would definitely left with a lot more stuff.
Obešli jsme spoustu secondhandů ale tenhle byl jediný, který opravdu stál za to. Nabízejí cokoliv od nábytku a dekoru až po oblečení a doplňky. Strávili jsme tam asi hodinu a půl a kdyby to bylo jen trochu víc možné odnasla bych si toho o mnoho víc.

Winter in Santa Fe

Dec 20, 2010

Svetr vintage / Vintage sweater 
Legíny a prsten H&M / leggings and ring H&M
Boty Baťa / Shoes Bata


Dec 14, 2010

Eva calls this a fairytale but to my standards its thriller or maybe she means that kind of fairytale where her competition gets eaten by wolfs. 
Eva tomuhle říká "pohádka" ale podle mě je to thriller ...nebo má spíš namysli takovou pohádku, ve které je její konkurence snědena vlky.

What's to come

Dec 12, 2010

Boty Baťa, Kabelka Topshop, Kabát F&F
