
Apr 27, 2010

Rose pattern tights pic #1

I bought this shirt/dress in my beloved American Apparel some time ago and love it because there is so many ways to wear it. Here is an example from another blog.

Rose pattern tights pic #2

dress once again American Apparel

Last time i mentioned i would write something about fashion in czech and because i like to keep my promises...

What i think czech fashion lacks the most is diversity you see in other countries. I do not know if it is because it is such small country or because most of the people don't have the guts to show off (and be judged). Might be little bit of both but it often seems like we are ready and willing to accept and copy all the stupid and mainstream fashion and in many cases make it look even more ridiculous. Like those rap wannabe* kids you see wearing baggy pants with fake silver chains hanging around their neck. Also spray tan and bleached hair is one of those things which widely spread around the world and our country is not an exception.

Many young czech have problems with determining their style. They take little bit of something of everything and just throw it one crazy looking pile and it makes me wonder whether they are hippie, hard core or EMO. Misusage of symbols (like  goes hand in hand with it. They wear bracelets with anarchistic symbols along with the satanistic ones and it makes me wonder if they have such different views/believes or they really are that stupid.

Others think that shopping in H&M is all it takes to dress well when it's definitely more then that. (Don't get me wrong though i really do like H&M!)

So i feel like this should be enough ranting for now:). More next time.
Tentokrat se mi moc do prekladu nechce tak snad mi porozumite. Dejte mi vedet, co si o tom myslite vy (nebo jestli by to chtelo popripade prelozit). :)
*wannabe=Someone who wants to be what they are not.

Self Absorbed

Apr 23, 2010

Look from this afternoon
Bodysuit,Skirt: American Apparel
If you like it hype it!

BTW you know whats awesome? This blog! Also if you feel like educating yourself in contemporary art i highly suggest Booooooom.

Ok, next time blog about czech fashion (and what i hate about it) and of coarse more looks.

Mr. Danny Rose

Apr 15, 2010

So here is my first look. If you like it hype it on Lookbook. / Tak tady je muj prvni look. Pokud se vam to libi nezapomente dat "hype" na Lookbook.

PS: For those girls and boys that didn't get it yet duckface doesn't make you look good. It makes you look trashy, stupid and ridiculous. For those who already know about all of this have fun! :)

Pro ty dívky a chlapce co to ještě nepochopili - duckface (kačeří ksicht) nevypadá dobře. Spíš to vypadá lacině, hloupě a naproste směšně. A ti co už tohle davno ví se aspoň můžou zasmát.


Apr 14, 2010

Casa Milá, Barcelona
The boots Im wearing on that picture are real cowboy boots bought in Texas and i gotta say they are the most comfortable pair of shoes i have ever owned.
Boty, které mám na fotce jsou pravé covbojské boty koupené v Texasu a musím říct, že jsou to ty nejpohodlnější boty, jaké jsem kdy vlastnila.

Im posting this photo even though it's photo is little older. There are lots of new pictures to come shoot by Theresqa

/Dávám sem tuhle fotku, i když je trochu starší. Brzy sem ale naházím spoustu nových, co pro mě nafotila Theresqa.

PS: For those who seek new and fresh fashion in CZ i would suggest online store Odd:Room.  They have great variety of stuff from czech and foreign designers for affordable prices.

/Těm co v ČR hledají novou a neokoukanou módu bych doporučila eshop Odd:Room. Mají skvělý výběr věcí od českých i zahraničních designérů za přijatelné ceny.

Hi, my name is

Apr 13, 2010

I'm lousy journalism student from Prague who is into fashion and that's all this is going to be about. Well, that and maybe some other stuff. Either way i hope you'll enjoy it.

/ Jsem hrozná studentka žunalistiky z Prahy co jí baví móda a o tom to bude. No vlastně možná i o něčem dalším, každopádně doufám že vás to bude bavit.

Někde jsem se dočetla, že Praha má 3. nejlépe fungující hromadnou dopravu v Evropě. Nevýhodou je, že většina čechů zatím neví o existenci deodorantu. / I have read somewhere that Prague has the 3rd most efficient public transport system in Europe. Big disadvantage is that most of czechs aren't aware that the deodorant exists.

  • co mě zrovna baví/ what im into: Hipstamatic skvělá aplikace pro iPhone / awesome iPhone app

Více později...až mi ma drahá fotografka pošle fotky. /  More next time as soon as my dear little photographer will send me my pics. 
